DataHarvester Agent
DataHarvester is our enterprise-grade data collection and processing agent. It excels at gathering, cleaning, and analyzing massive datasets with high accuracy and performance.
Enterprise Features
Scalable Architecture
Built for enterprise scale with distributed processing and automatic load balancing. Handles petabytes of data efficiently.
Data Security
Enterprise-grade security with encryption at rest and in transit. Compliant with major data protection regulations.
Quick Start
import { DataHarvester } from '@molewhisperer/dataharvester';
// Initialize DataHarvester
const harvester = new DataHarvester({
sources: ['api', 'database'],
cleaningRules: {
deduplication: true,
normalization: true
// Start collection process
const collector = await harvester.collect({
batchSize: 10000,
interval: '5m'
Integration Examples
Cloud Storage
const harvester = new DataHarvester({
storage: {
type: 'cloud',
provider: 'aws',
bucket: 'data-lake'
Database Integration
const harvester = new DataHarvester({
database: {
type: 'postgresql',
connection: process.env.DB_URL,
poolSize: 20
Error Handling
try {
const harvester = new DataHarvester(config);
await harvester.collect(options);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DataSourceError) {
console.error('Source error:', error);
} else if (error instanceof ValidationError) {
console.error('Validation failed:', error);