SwarmIntel Agent
SwarmIntel is a distributed intelligence agent that leverages swarm algorithms and collective behavior patterns to solve complex optimization problems and coordinate multi-agent systems.
Key Features
- Distributed decision making
- Self-organizing agent networks
- Adaptive swarm behavior
- Real-time coordination
Technical Specifications
Built on a distributed mesh network with peer-to-peer communication protocols and decentralized consensus mechanisms.
Implements advanced swarm intelligence algorithms including Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and custom hybrid approaches.
import { SwarmIntel } from '@molewhisperer/swarmintel';
// Initialize SwarmIntel
const swarm = new SwarmIntel({
nodes: 100,
topology: 'mesh',
algorithm: 'hybrid-pso',
optimization: {
objective: 'minimize',
constraints: {
bounds: [-100, 100],
dimensions: 3
// Define problem space
const problem = {
fitness: (x) => Math.sin(x[0]) +
Math.cos(x[1]) + x[2],
constraints: [
(x) => x[0] + x[1] <= 50,
(x) => x[1] + x[2] >= -20
// Run optimization
const solution = await swarm.optimize(
iterations: 1000,
tolerance: 1e-6
Advanced Features
Dynamic Topology
Automatically adjusts network topology based on problem complexity and communication patterns.
Adaptive Learning
Implements reinforcement learning to improve swarm behavior over time.