OpenAI Integration Guide

Learn how to integrate MoleWhisperer's AI agents with OpenAI's powerful models and APIs.

Integration Steps

  1. Set up OpenAI API credentials
  2. Configure agent endpoints
  3. Initialize bridge connections
  4. Set up model pipelines

Configuration Example

// Initialize OpenAI integration
const openaiConfig = {
  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
  organization: process.env.OPENAI_ORG_ID,
  models: {
    completion: 'gpt-4',
    embedding: 'text-embedding-ada-002'

// Connect WhisperMind to OpenAI
const whisperMind = new WhisperMind({
  provider: 'openai',
  config: openaiConfig,
  integration: {
    modelMapping: {
      'decision': 'gpt-4',
      'embedding': 'text-embedding-ada-002'

// Start processing
const result = await whisperMind.process({
  input: userInput,
  mode: 'hybrid'