Quick Start Guide

Get up and running with MoleWhisperer's AI agents in minutes. This guide will walk you through the basics of setting up and using our agents.

Basic Setup

// Initialize your first agent
import { WhisperMind } from '@molewhisperer/agents';

const agent = new WhisperMind({
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  mode: 'development'

// Basic usage
const result = await agent.process({
  input: 'Your input data here',
  options: {
    temperature: 0.7,
    maxTokens: 100

Common Use Cases

  • Text Processing

    const textResult = await agent.processText({
      input: 'Analyze this text',
      mode: 'analysis'
  • Data Analysis

    const dataResult = await agent.analyzeData({
      dataset: yourDataset,
      analysisType: 'predictive'

Next Steps